My name is Sanad Saleh Saeed Al-Ameri. I'm now attending the Higher College of technology. I'm in my second year of studying. I just turned 19 years old and recently got m
y driver license. I don't have my own car, but fortunately my father lets me drive his black cruiser sometimes. My big brother Salem goes to college with me and is also in class with me. We aren't twins, but it sure does feel that way. We study together and hang out together all the time. Our friends are the same and he and I get along terrifically. I could never ask for a better brother. I also have 4 sisters. They're all great and behaved. My father's name is Saleh and he's Emirati. He works as a financial manager at the water and electricity department. My mother is from America. She has been in the Emirates for 20 years and is a housewife.

I'm not a person who likes going to weddings and parties or even invitation. But a lot of time my father forces me to go, because he says it's good to get out and around once in a while so I go because I like to please my father. I always like to see my family happy. Everyone says I have a big heart and I'm a pretty nice guy. I'm also easy to get along with. I'm currently living in Bani Yas on street 6.
I hope to get married soon, because I want to marry at an early age. I think it's good to have woman in your life because once you are married she will take care of you and make you feel like a man with responsibility.
Every summer vacation it is a family tradition to go to Oman. I enjoy the relaxation, fun and the games at the carnivals they're there every year. But the beach upsets me because during the summer the waves are also so high that you can't really enjoy the beach that much. I think you should always have a barbeque on a picnic. I don't care for rice that much, I'm more on sandwiches. I'm studying English, math and civil at the moment. I'm studying to be a mechanical engineer. I hope this year to travel somewhere different than Oman and adventure a little bit. I feel sometimes change is for better.
I liked you life story especially the with Pampers,,,
I enjoy reading about you.
well thanx alot <3
hey nice pampers u got there.
nice post
I really enjoyed reading it ^^
keep it up bro
I realy enjoy reading your life history.
interesting life but i think
more pictures will be nice
Hi Sanad. I don't understand the Pampers joke but maybe it's related to the picture you posted?! In the last paragraph of your profile, look for an incomplete sentence: it starts with "Because". You have some posts to catch up on before the final assessment deadline of June 5... Hope you can make some time soon. take care, TJ
long life story ;) i need i thing 2 day to read it ...;)
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